Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Pure Barre...16th Street vol. 1
Monday, August 6, 2012
Weekly Meal Plans
I don't know about you, but I'm always a mess in the kitchen trying to re-find the recipes online or wherever that I found earlier in the week to cook! I have recipes in cookbooks, saved on my computer and phone, pinterest, etc...It has taken me this long to get organized about it. I have started to make a weekly meal plan on a word document with the weeks ingredients and recipes in the order of when I will be cooking them. That way I can just pull up or print out one document for that whole weeks worth of recipes. The best part about this is that weeks meals are saved on your computer and they are already there for another whole week down the road, so the work is already done! You can go even further with this and make a grocery list at the bottom of the document by copy/pasting all of the ingredients from that weeks recipes. I am probably the last person to think of this, I know. But it is a revelation that is going to seriously help me out in the future and thought I would share :o)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Weekend Homebodies
Carson and daddy paying the bills
Cinnamon taking a puppy snooze on Saturday
"I know y'all watch me Mama & Dada"
Splish Splash!!!!
Playing in his crab pool!
.....but the dirt is wayyyy cooler
Play time with Cinny is always a hit!
Enjoying one of his favorite toys minutes before bedtime on Sunday.
The guest bedroom thus far
Friday, August 3, 2012
My Pure Barre Obsession
So I'll go ahead and throw this out there...I gained about 50 lbs during my pregnancy with Carson, which is quite a bit even for your first. When he was born back in November, needless to say my body was definitely in need of some TLC. I kept hearing wonderful things about Pure Barre from Facebook friends and wanted to see what the buzz was all about. It turns out Lindsey Laurenzi, who I briefly cheered with back in the day, and her sister Kim Morgan opened a Pure Barre franchise in Germantown, TN. That location was so successful they opened another studio in East Memphis. So clearly, women were seeing results.
So what is it all about??
Straight from their website...."Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective way to change the shape of your body. Using small isometric movements at the ballet barre set to motivating music, Pure Barre lifts your seat, tones your thighs, and and arms and burns fat in record breaking time. Clients see results in just 10 classes, lose inches in weeks and have fun doing it!"
This couldn't be more spot on!
First of all, I am not going to lie, Yes, PB is expensive compared to some other gyms, but definitely worth every penny. You will also feel somewhat like a fish out of water the first week or so, because there is alot of technique involved. It just takes time to learn and understand how to target the movements to the proper part of your body But once you get it down, boy do you see results fast! I quickly became borderline obsessed. Not only with the workout, but also the overall experience! The instructors and other women in the class make it so much fun to where you look forward to going to your next class!
I ended up purchasing their New Mom 3-month Unlimited package which was quite the deal. I could go whenever I wanted for a set price. I started Pure Barre about 20 lbs above my pre-baby weight, and by the time my 3 month session was over I had lost that and then some!
But I didn't just lose weight, I really toned up! My tummy was clearly the part of my body that needed the most help after the baby. Luckily, PB really targets that stubborn area below your belly button that most all women have an issue with. After those 12 weeks I was very pleased with my core results. Enough to brave the beach in a bikini! My arms, thighs, and "seat" were more lean, lifted, and toned as well. I definitely wish I had more time in the studio so I could maximize my results more!
After my short 3 months were up at Pure Barre it was time for Carson and me to move back to El Paso because Drew was coming home from deployment. Sadly, El Paso does not have a Pure Barre studio :( So, I have been out of my Pure Barre routine for about a month and a half and I can definitely tell the difference in my body. There is nothing like taking a class in one of their studios from any of their motivating and amazing instructors, but the next best thing are their DVDs they have available their online website.
I have been doing the Mile High 1 & 2 DVDs this week, and it feels great to be doing any sort of Pure Barre again! So much so, I ordered their 16th street package 2 days ago and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival! Hopefully these videos can give me my PB fix and results until we move back to Memphis!
I highly recommend looking to see if there is a Pure Barre near you, and taking at least one class to see what this new craze is all about. But for those of you who like at home workouts, or do not have one close, I will do some blogs on their DVDs as I can, and let you know what I think. So far, so good :) No surprise there!
So what is it all about??
Straight from their website...."Pure Barre is the fastest, most effective way to change the shape of your body. Using small isometric movements at the ballet barre set to motivating music, Pure Barre lifts your seat, tones your thighs, and and arms and burns fat in record breaking time. Clients see results in just 10 classes, lose inches in weeks and have fun doing it!"
This couldn't be more spot on!
First of all, I am not going to lie, Yes, PB is expensive compared to some other gyms, but definitely worth every penny. You will also feel somewhat like a fish out of water the first week or so, because there is alot of technique involved. It just takes time to learn and understand how to target the movements to the proper part of your body But once you get it down, boy do you see results fast! I quickly became borderline obsessed. Not only with the workout, but also the overall experience! The instructors and other women in the class make it so much fun to where you look forward to going to your next class!
I ended up purchasing their New Mom 3-month Unlimited package which was quite the deal. I could go whenever I wanted for a set price. I started Pure Barre about 20 lbs above my pre-baby weight, and by the time my 3 month session was over I had lost that and then some!
But I didn't just lose weight, I really toned up! My tummy was clearly the part of my body that needed the most help after the baby. Luckily, PB really targets that stubborn area below your belly button that most all women have an issue with. After those 12 weeks I was very pleased with my core results. Enough to brave the beach in a bikini! My arms, thighs, and "seat" were more lean, lifted, and toned as well. I definitely wish I had more time in the studio so I could maximize my results more!
After my short 3 months were up at Pure Barre it was time for Carson and me to move back to El Paso because Drew was coming home from deployment. Sadly, El Paso does not have a Pure Barre studio :( So, I have been out of my Pure Barre routine for about a month and a half and I can definitely tell the difference in my body. There is nothing like taking a class in one of their studios from any of their motivating and amazing instructors, but the next best thing are their DVDs they have available their online website.
I have been doing the Mile High 1 & 2 DVDs this week, and it feels great to be doing any sort of Pure Barre again! So much so, I ordered their 16th street package 2 days ago and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival! Hopefully these videos can give me my PB fix and results until we move back to Memphis!
I highly recommend looking to see if there is a Pure Barre near you, and taking at least one class to see what this new craze is all about. But for those of you who like at home workouts, or do not have one close, I will do some blogs on their DVDs as I can, and let you know what I think. So far, so good :) No surprise there!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Back in Business
I have recently been inspired to start back up the blog by my bestest friend Kellee. She's right. I'm sure people get sick of me posting to Facebook every day or so of the shenanigans going on around me. This is probably a much better outlet :o)
WELL, DREW IS HOME!! We are currently adjusting to life as 3 back in good ole El Paso. Carson couldn't have taken to Drew any better once he got back, which was Monday, July 23rd. It was like he never left! We are renting a house on the northeast of EP, and I am slowly but surely decorating the house as I can. (considering we have a mobile 8 month old, it's safe to say my time is easily cut in half)
Speaking of that little squirt....he is 8 months old and some change! Not sure how or when that happened :( He is definitely a wild man! He's crawling and pulling up on everything. So, all eyes on Carson at all times, that's for sure! He has 5 teeth and working on some more I believe. He is quite possibly the happiest baby on the planet. Always smiling, laughing, and carrying on in his own world. We couldn't love him any more!
I will be posting baby, house, recipe, and anything else I deem necessary updates on here that might humor anyone who reads this....if there is anyone :o)
WELL, DREW IS HOME!! We are currently adjusting to life as 3 back in good ole El Paso. Carson couldn't have taken to Drew any better once he got back, which was Monday, July 23rd. It was like he never left! We are renting a house on the northeast of EP, and I am slowly but surely decorating the house as I can. (considering we have a mobile 8 month old, it's safe to say my time is easily cut in half)
Speaking of that little squirt....he is 8 months old and some change! Not sure how or when that happened :( He is definitely a wild man! He's crawling and pulling up on everything. So, all eyes on Carson at all times, that's for sure! He has 5 teeth and working on some more I believe. He is quite possibly the happiest baby on the planet. Always smiling, laughing, and carrying on in his own world. We couldn't love him any more!
I will be posting baby, house, recipe, and anything else I deem necessary updates on here that might humor anyone who reads this....if there is anyone :o)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Carson is 4 months!
(March 18, 2012)
(1st rice cereal feeding)
Carson is 4 months old! wowzers! He is 14lbs 13oz and is 24 1/2 inches long. At his doctor's appointment we were told he is in the 70th percentile in weight, 30th percentile in height. I was very surprised about his height, because I always thought he was pretty tall for his age! We joked and said we were maybe just comparing him to my nephew, Cade, who is still a "nugget" as we call him. 4 month doctors appointment also comes with a dose of shots, ugh. Cars-man didn't do so swell after this set, poor thing. He immediately ran fever & was so uncomfortable for 2 whole days. It took him about 4 days to completely get over it all, but he is back to his normal happy self again thank goodness! He is teething like crazy! He is drooling something awful, and has white nubs below his gums that hopefully won't push through for a while....I still love having a little gummy bear :) He also got cleared to start rice cereal. It was too funny watching him try to eat, because he had no clue what he was doing. He would roll his tongue and it would all come pouring out of his mouth. Definitely, more on him than he actually ate, but thats the fun part about it! Carson being 4 months old marks the middle of this deployment, give or take! :)
Hayden & Carson
(Hayden & Carson meeting) (the babies at Shelby Farms)
During my pregnancy, I became super close with a mutual friend, Mary Catherine Patenaude. Just so happens that she was expecting a little girl, Hayden, and was 2 months ahead of me in her pregnancy. It was wonderful always having someone to talk to about swollen feet, how big we were getting, and monthly check-ups. Now, Hayden and Carson are here and those conversations have changed to diapers, spitting up, and doctors appointments! The Patenaude's live just outside of Chicago and came to visit Mary Catherine's parents in Memphis earlier this month. Needless to say, we were both itching to get these two babies together! After a few initial stare downs, they just loved each other and were the best playmates! We can't wait to see them again, hopefully soon!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Momma or Daddy?
(1 week old Carson next to Drew's newborn picture)
(Carson at 3 months next to my 3 month picture)
I guess the running question is who Carson looks like, myself or Drew....For the longest time, he was a spitting image of his daddy, but as he's growing he's beginning to resemble his momma a little bit too! I'm so happy I just didn't carry him for 9 months, he actually looks like he has some of my DNA now. Ha. He looks like me a lot from the front but his profile is still ALLLLL his daddy :o) Another thing Drew gave him are his dimples.. Drew has 1, and he gave Carson 2! They melt my heart every time he smiles :o) I have brown eyes, Drew has hazel, but Carson's are bright blue. I know it takes a while for them to change but they are as blue as they come! I'm so excited to see who he looks more like as he grows and changes. Right now, he's a complete mixture of the both of us. He looks just like me one second and Drew the next!
Carson is 3 months!
Carson is 3 months old!! I just can't believe it....He has gained 2 pounds and grown an inch since last month! Just a growin' fool! This child is sooo strong. He can stand up holding on to just our fingers. It's too funny because he's wanting to stand up higher & higher on his tippee-toes, but his little legs only take him so far for the time being. His little personality is blossoming in front of our eyes. He's smiling and laughing at anything and everything, including Cinnamon now. Cinnamon scared him there for a little while, but he has grown to trust her, thank goodness. We are so blessed to have such a happy baby. When he wakes up, he will talk and talk in his crib for about 20 minutes until he decides it's bottle time. Speaking of sleep....he 's sleeping through the night which makes for a very happy/well rested mommy :o) We are both sleeping better since I moved him to his crib. He went from sleeping only 3 hours to sleeping 7+ hours every night! It's wonderful!! He's also focusing on objects and reaches to touch & play with them. His favorite toy right now is probably his cloth baseball mitt that makes this crunching noise when he plays with it. Obsessed. Teething is becoming a reality every day. He's drooling a lot with white nubs on his gums. At his rate, he will be walking next month :o)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Mr. Sandman, Give Me A Dream
(Carson in his big boy crib)
Carson is sleeping in his big boy crib for the first time tonight. :o( Up until now, he has slept in his bassinet right next to my bed. I feel like its time to make the big move: he's almost 3 months old, MY movements are waking HIM up at night, & he's really getting the hang of the "sleeping through the night" thing. I introduced the crib to him a while back for nap times during the day, so hopefully this will make the transition easy for him (& me). I'm definitely going to miss being able to lean over and watch that sweet little angel sleeping, but I guess the monitor will have to do from now on. :o( Hopefully, I won't be glued to it all night watching him & listening for little peeps so can get some sleep myself. Clearly, the sandman has visited him and he is doing JUST fine....Buenos noches!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
There's No Place Like Home
Drew deployed to Afghanistan on December 19th, 2011 to meet up with the rest of the men and women of 1-13 Cav. We were so blessed that Drew got to stay behind in the US to see Carson come into this world on November 18, 2011. Minutes after saying goodbye to Drew, Carson and I made the long journey from El Paso (where we were stationed at Fort Bliss) to Memphis to live with my parents until daddy comes home around late July/early August. We are loving being back in Germantown surrounded by our friends and family who love and support us so much. So blessed & so thankful!
(Carson skyping with Drew)
We Skype with Drew almost everyday (depending on how well his internet is working that day). Technology has really eased this transition for us, knowing Drew can watch Carson grow & I get to catch a glimpse of my sweet hubby! This first month and a half of Drew being away has seemed to creep by. But once the season changes and spring gets here, I know August won't seem so far away. We miss daddy so much, and are so proud of him!!!
Drew's care package staples:
- sour patch kids
- skittles
- startburst
- Doritos
- Zapps potato chips
- Smartfood white cheddar popcorn
- newspapers/magazines
**email me for his address** courtmoffitt@gmail.com
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