Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back in Business

I have recently been inspired to start back up the blog by my bestest friend Kellee. She's right. I'm sure people get sick of me posting to Facebook every day or so of the shenanigans going on around me. This is probably a much better outlet :o)

WELL, DREW IS HOME!! We are currently adjusting to life as 3 back in good ole El Paso. Carson couldn't have taken to Drew any better once he got back, which was Monday, July 23rd. It was like he never left! We are renting a house on the northeast of EP, and I am slowly but surely decorating the house as I can. (considering we have a mobile 8 month old, it's safe to say my time is easily cut in half)

Speaking of that little squirt....he is 8 months old and some change! Not sure how or when that happened :( He is definitely a wild man! He's crawling and pulling up on everything. So, all eyes on Carson at all times, that's for sure! He has 5 teeth and working on some more I believe. He is quite possibly the happiest baby on the planet. Always smiling, laughing, and carrying on in his own world. We couldn't love him any more!

I will be posting baby, house, recipe, and anything else I deem necessary updates on here that might humor anyone who reads this....if there is anyone :o)

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